Thursday, February 7, 2013

Age Discrimmination Against Teens

This article talks about an incidents where teenagers felt they were being discrimminated against because of their age. Both girls had an experience of ageism with the police. One girl was followed for 20 miles and then eventually was pulled over for speeding around a curve. In my opinion, teenagers are always stereotyped as being reckless or irresponsible, so cops will look out for teenage drivers and pull them over more frequently. As teenagers we are normally looked down upon and it seems that adults are always looking for us to get in some sort of trouble and well if you go looking for trouble then you'll find trouble. I think it is completely ridiculous for police officers to discriminate against teenagers based solely on their age and it happens very frequently, yet no one seems to do anything about it. Age discrimmination cannot continue to be unrecognized, or else it will just get worse and worse.


  1. I agree with you totally. It's a shame that in our society, people are judged solely based on their age. It's unconstitutional and just wrong to stereotype ALL teens as reckless. It does happen all the time, though. I see it almost everyday and especially with driving (ex cops targeting teens with decals)

  2. I completely agree with you! I hate when people discriminate others for age and it especially bothers me when someone discriminates my age who is just 1 year older than me. I remember I saw a senior tell my friend (who is a junior) that he feels old and he will make sure to stay off the roads because she just recently got her license. That made no sense to me because he is only a year older than her. It's frustrating especially for us teens to go through age discrimination because it feels degrading. In addition, I also hate when people tell me "I'm not mature enough" to do certain things when in reality, teens my age are even more mature than some people in their 20's. Thus, I truly think age discrimination should be recognized even more.

  3. I totally agree with you jackie. I've experienced this in the past with police. They profile people who think they are teenagers when they are driving and will pull them over for stupid reasons like if they think they have to many kid in the car. I think cops need to start getting in trouble for "profiling" teens because it is completely unfair. I've seen people who are crazy drivers who are way older then 17. Its just completely unfair!
