Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Article on Ageism

This article talks about ageism in the workplace and one part that I found the most interesting was that it stated how ageism isn't looked at as being as important as sexism or racism, and also how it is very hard to research and find proof of it. In the article Jacquelyn James said “We need to be thinking of age as another element of diversity, as we do with race and gender", and I agree with this completely. I believe ageism does not recieve as much recognition as it should and it can be just as offensive as racism or sexism, and I think we need to conduct more research on this topic. People should not be judged based soley on their age not only in the workplace, but in every place.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely, while racist and sexism are big issues in today's society ageism is just as big a deal and just as offensive. I believe that as teenagers we are exposed to it more than others and consequently will argue that it is a big deal, because we are directly affected by it in out everyday lives. The article also says tat young people are raised in fairness so anything unfair raises a red flag and i agree with this as well. but if it raises a red flag in our minds, shouldn't it be a subject that is brought to light for that exact reason? I feel that, that one statement summed up ageism completely, because it is saying that even though it raises a flag to us, it isn't important enough to be a topic of discussion.
