Monday, March 25, 2013

Research Method

For my project I will be doing a naturalistic observation. I plan to go to the mall and observe how different age groups are treated in stores, restaurants, etc. I will observe how teenagers are treated in stores and to see if they are targeted as being mischevious. I will also observe in restaurants if younger people are treated differently than adults are. Also many stands in the mall seem to target specific age groups so I will observe that as well.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ageism in Hollywood

I found this video of Gina Gershon on CNN talking about ageism in hollywood. I find ageism in hollywood very interesting and I see it as a big problem. Actresses especially are always pressured to look younger, because being young is associated with beauty. She talks about how someone told her she should begin lying about her age or else she won't be getting parts in movies anymore. I think that is ridiculous and in the video she says that with all the makeup and special effects that they can make a person look any age and I agree with this. Roles in movies should not be based soley on age, they should based on talent.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Teens and Ageism

Here is a website I found and what I found most interesting about it was that every article on the website is written by teenagers. This particular one is about ageism and how teenagers are seen as untrustworthy and how the elderly are seen as incapbable. It gave a great example on how when teens walk into a store and leave without buying anything many people just assume that they stole something. I notice this a lot whenever I am in a store the people working there will always watch teens a little more closely. What was also great about this website is that the article itself counteracts the stereotype that teenagers opinions aren't really important many people don't even bother to listen to what they have to say. This article gives great insight into the topic of ageism and it was written by a teen.